Our Lady of Celestial Fire

Public Sabbat of Brunalia (Rite of Lennea)

Saturday, Jan 30 2021 at 7:00 pm

Lodge: Our Lady of Celestial Fire (MN)
Location: Your own home

Your home (map appears in a new window)
Your city MN
Phone number of location: Your phone
Location contact person: Clio Ajana
Join us as we call the spark of life, renewal, and creativity in the public sabbat of Brunalia (Rite of Lennea). Let's celebrate Hestia, Hephaestus, and our mode of creativity as we continue a return to the light! Any ritual garb may be worn. A feast and fellowship will follow. Gather at 6:30; Ritual 7:00-8:00pm Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83444224139?pwd=YWVsWnArbm4vcHExcjNRdEg5RXFHQT09 Passcode: 276831