Our Lady of Celestial Fire

OLOCF - Pomonalia - Rite of Hecatia

Saturday, Oct 30 2021 at 7:00 pm

Lodge: Our Lady of Celestial Fire (MN)
Location: Your own home

Your home (map appears in a new window)
Your city MN
Phone number of location: Your phone
Location contact person: Clio Ajana
Join us as we celebrate the third harvest. At this time, we honor our ancestors in remembrance. Celebrate the sabbat, those who have gone before. All are welcome! Any ritual garb is acceptable. Ritual starts at 7:00pm.CDT Post-ritual fellowship starts at 8:30pm. You're in your own home, so feel free to use your own ritual set up, have something to eat and drink on hand, and come prepared to have fun! Please mute yourself if you have lots of noise around you. We welcome any and all who can log on! oin Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85136831816?pwd=UGtNaXF3blhveEpmYUtwNy9kNE4vUT09 Meeting ID: 851 3683 1816 Passcode: 821060 One tap mobile +13126266799,,85136831816#,,,,*821060# US (Chicago) +19294362866,,85136831816#,,,,*821060# US (New York)