Our Lady of Celestial Fire

OLOCF - Public Full Moon

Saturday, May 6 2023 at 7:00 pm

Lodge: Our Lady of Celestial Fire (MN)
Location: Via Zoom (In Your Home)

Your space (map appears in a new window)
Your City MN Your Zipcode
Phone number of location:
Location contact person: Clio Ajana
Join us as we celebrate the full moon. As we continue to revel in the active, light half of the year we are fully in the realm of celebration, and productive activity. Bring your tarot deck, paper, and pen to record your findings. All are welcome and any ritual garb is acceptable. You're in your own home, so feel free to use your own ritual set up, have something to eat and drink on hand, and come prepared to have fun! Ritual: We start promptly at 7. Please mute yourself if you have lots of noise around you. We welcome any and all who can log on! Post-ritual fellowship starts immediately after - sometime between 8:30-9:00. ---- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89923304612?pwd=NG1iWHZkZEVNZVJjaTNsL05VS3c3Zz09 Meeting ID: 899 2330 4612 Passcode: 240211 One tap mobile +16469313860,,89923304612#,,,,*240211# US +19294362866,,89923304612#,,,,*240211# US (New York)